Monday, June 9, 2014

The Four Noble Truths / Twelve Turnings of the Wheel

The Four Noble Truths/Twelve Turnings of the Wheel.
The image below is formatted as a worksheet, 
so that you can fill in your words on the lines.
I created this version many years ago, 
so that I would have a way of better understanding how
The Four Noble Truths reveal my suffering
and potential for well-being.
It will also help you to understand how
The Four Noble Truths are used.
The original ancient words have not been
omitted or changed, I have just added to
them for better understanding.

Note: My question on #2, on worksheet below, 
suffering can be seen as right purpose 
only if for example:
"I suffer because I, with right intention, choose not to 
have or do something that I know is wrong.

My question on #7, 
is a intentionally tricky question,
consider your answer carefully! 
hint: There is only one answer, 
but many people get stuck here.

You can always contact me, 
if you are not quite sure...
(contact form at bottom of blog)

Here is a link to The Noble Eightfold Path: